I read a lot of those interesting mommy-blogs that say everything that needs to be said about motherhood and working. I don't want to talk about politics publicly. I have some ideas, though, about new music blogging, or string quartet blogging, or just writing about those things. It'll be interesting to see if I can find my voice, and what better way to do that than in the eye of the public...on the internet (And yes, I am trying to get rid of the habit of using the "..." at the end of every sentence.)
So people keep telling me I need to start a blog instead of using my first page as one. I guess I can see the sense in that. But isn't it just a totally self-serving thing to blog about upcoming performances? This is going to require some thought... The function of the web page is to tell people what's up with the concerts and stuff - true. It's hardly interesting to see a list of performances and a stagnated page with no context. I play so many different kinds of music that I feel like the calendar requires a companion, glossary or something, which is what the first page ramblings were meant to do...to keep things alive a little bit :) The blog could do the same I suppose - but it feel it's more official in some way! So maybe I'll keep the first page for a bit and let the process evolve, see if I can think of anything interesting to blog about that has remotely anything to do with music, cello, teaching or whatnot. And not too much about highlighting the next performances...
I read a lot of those interesting mommy-blogs that say everything that needs to be said about motherhood and working. I don't want to talk about politics publicly. I have some ideas, though, about new music blogging, or string quartet blogging, or just writing about those things. It'll be interesting to see if I can find my voice, and what better way to do that than in the eye of the public...on the internet (And yes, I am trying to get rid of the habit of using the "..." at the end of every sentence.)
AuthorKatri Ervamaa, cellist Archives
February 2017